
Veterans Day Program

We will be honoring our Veterans with a short program on Monday November 11th at 8:30am. Since we have limited seating, we would like to reserve seats for Veterans and their immediate family. If you are a Veteran and would like to attend our program please email us at Thank you!

Coin War Fundraiser

Our school is participating in a very fun fundraiser called a Coin War! This is a friendly competition between grade levels and it will be held from February 1st through the 8th. Each grade level will have their own jug. Students can bring in coins to fill up their jug in the morning in the cafeteria. Bring in pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollar and dollar coins (Bills are acceptable if you can’t find coins). Search for coins under couch cushions, chairs, behind furniture, ask family members, look outside when walking, junk drawers and in vehicles.

This fundraiser is to raise money for new supplies for Phy Ed, Music, Art & STEAM classes. The grade level with the most money raised wins free time in the gym!

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